REPENT, v. To sorrow or be pained for sin, as a violation
of God's holy law, a dishonor to his character and government,
and the foulest ingratitude to a Being of infinite benevolence.
This report will update you on the recent evangelistic work
of REPENT AMERICA. Our ministry is located in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, the birthplace of America, and strives to be
in the full will of God and to adhere entirely to the teachings
of the Bible. We have a passion for the lost to be saved and
to come unto the knowledge of the Truth. As Christians, we
know there is a literal hell where the unsaved will burn for
all eternity, therefore, we act upon this Truth without reservation.
1/21/03 Harrisburg, PA-- Christians travel to the capital
of Pennsylvania to picket and proclaim the Gospel at the inauguration
ceremony of newly-elected Governor Edward Rendell. Those who
participated were Randy Beckman, Linda Beckman, Nancy Major,
Christine Major, Mark Diener, Joseph Christian, Susan Startzell,
and myself.
Upon arrival, we saw media gathering outside of Grace Methodist
Church near the Capitol building. Rendell was soon expected
there for a service. We held our anti-abortion signs outside
of this church until he arrived. As he was being interviewed
by news reporters on camera, I called him to repentance. After
he entered the church, we moved over to the Capitol building
area where the inauguration ceremony was being held. It was
there that the police tried to prevent us from exposing the
reality of abortion on the public sidewalk. Under the threat
of arrest they forced us to move to the other side of the
Later in the day we lined the street with our message as Rendell's
inaugural parade passed by. This was an especially excellent
opportunity for hundreds of high school students participating
in the parade to see the reality of abortion, most of them
for the first time.
On Jan. 22, the Philadelphia Daily News ran a cover story
on the inaugural ceremony. The first article of the newspaper
second paragraph reads:
9:15AM Michael Marcavage of Lansdowne had some less-than-supportive
words for Rendell as he headed into a church service. Marcavage,
an anti-abortion protester, held a sign that said: "What
Pennsylvania has sown, it shall reap. Wicked Governor Ed
"Mr. Rendell is an advocate and proponent of abortion.
"We're calling him on it. I confronted him. I started
talking to him. I said, 'Mr. Rendell, you need to repent."
1/22/03 Washington, DC-- Several travel to the nation's Capitol
to the March for Life to preach and engage the Catholic people
in discussion about their religion. Several Catholic men carry
a large statue of Mary on their shoulders through the march.
In front of the Supreme Court building, a large group of Catholics
began to engage in vain repitious prayers before the statue
of Mary as it was held high before them. I stood in front
of the statue and interrupted their repitious prayers with
the word of God, preaching to them about idolatry. Outraged
Catholics began to push, yell, and shove rosaries in my face.
A larger group of people gathered as the gospel was preached
and those engaged in the idolatrous act were called to repentance.
I also gave my testimony of being born and raised in the Catholic
church and how at one time I too practiced its rituals and
traditions, such as rosary services and all night vigils dedicated
to the virgin Mary. I then told them that it was through reading
the Bible I came to know the truth and was saved. Afterward,
I was approached by several Protestant people in genuine thankfulness.
Joseph Christian, Susan Startzell, and Khaleel Fergueson had
informative dialogue with some of the Catholic people in the
area of the idol.
It is my prayer that the Catholic people would come to the
saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. From practicing the rituals
of religion to becoming saved and preaching the Gospel of
Jesus Christ, I have come a long way. It grieves my heart
to see Catholic people reject Christ and embrace religion.
An excellent tract to give to devout Catholics is "Why
is Mary Crying?" from Chick Publications. You can read,
view, and order it here:
Serving the King, Michael Marcavage