NEW YORK - The Scripture declares, "...Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 Repent America is on the way to New York City to do just that. The Republican National Convention from August 30 through September 2 is where elephants from across America are stampeding further away from God, as organizers allow a herd of pro-abortion and pro-homosexual speakers to take center stage.
Some of the 2004 GOP speakers, who are pro-abortion and pro-homosexual, include New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, former mayor Rudy Giuliani, Arizona Senator John McCain, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and New York Governor George Pataki.
"The sobering truth is that the elephants have become like donkeys when it comes to the grievous sins of abortion and homosexuality," stated Michael Marcavage, director of Repent America. "So many well-meaning Christians ignore the truth about the Republican party for the sake of conservatism. As Christians, we are not conservatives, but disciples of Jesus Christ who recognize and proclaim where right and wrong come from. We must not support those who disregard God's Law or His Word, regardless of what they call themselves," Marcavage stated.
"The Bible says in Proverbs 14:34, 'Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people,'" Marcavage continued. "Furthermore, Proverbs 29:2 states, 'When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.'" Marcavage concluded.
President George W. Bush, who is scheduled to speak on September 2, in his term in office, has advocated evil by hosting Ramadan at the White House, praising Islam as a "great religion," stating publically that "Christians and Muslims worship the same God," sending a homosexual man (along with his lover) as an ambassador to Romania, signing a bill to give death benefits to homosexuals, sending a letter of congratulations to a "church" denomination founded by homosexual activists that performs more than 6,000 same-sex "weddings" each year, and by raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for pro-abortion and pro-homosexual candidates, amongst the most recent being Senator Arlen Specter. Even prior to his presidency, as the Governor of Texas, George W. Bush signed into law a resolution re-naming a section of highway in Houston after the notorious, late-term abortionist, John B. Coleman, who had been killing babies prior to Roe vs. Wade.
"Do not be fooled by president Bush. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth to please as many people as possible, while he attempts to remain under the guise of conservatism," Marcavage said. "Regardless of his unGodly acts, we must keep the president in continued prayer," Marcavage concluded.
Repent America will be involved in various evangelistic efforts, which include open-air preaching, tract and literature distribution, exposing the reality of abortion, and calling the GOP to repentance.
Reference: BushRevealed.com
Note: The elephant is the national symbol of the Republican National Committee