February 06, 2006 | 08:30 PM
Pro-life message shut down at Super Bowl
Repent America (RA) joined Christians from across America for evangelism and to be a voice for the voiceless at this year's Super Bowl. However, Detroit police shut down the pro-life message by declaring that the "NFL owns the city today" as one of the reasons why expressive activity could not be conducted on public property.
During the course of events, police impounded two trucks with pictures showing the truth about abortion and arrested Dennis Green, director of Life & Liberty Ministries. The next day, "Super Bowl Sunday," police engaged in malicious and illegal behavior by threatening to arrest several Christians while they were witnessing at the entrance of the stadium if they did not leave in "60 seconds." RA director Michael Marcavage and the others complied.
RA will be challenging the illegal actions of the Detroit Police Department in federal court for their grievous violations of constitutionally protected rights, which in this case completely shut down the pro-life message.