February 19, 2006 | 06:02 PM
Lansdowne: No Place for Hate?

- An first-hand account of Lansdowne's recent "No Place for Hate" gathering by Arlene Elshinnawy -
On Friday, February 17, a pro-homosexual "No Place for Hate" event took place for several hours in the small town of Lansdowne, Pennsylvania, located just outside the city of Philadelphia. The "No Place for Hate" program was created by the Anti-Defamation League with this particular event being sponsored by the Mayor and the Borough Council of Lansdowne "to promote respect for all members of the community, and to combat bigotry in all forms."
Since I arrived an hour early, I was able to observe the preparations that were being made. At that point, these consisted mostly of frenzied attempts by Lansdowne's Mayor, Jayne Young, to silence and keep Michael Marcavage, a Lansdowne resident, out of the picture. She called 911 to request that an officer be sent to the Twentieth Century Club, a public building where the event was being held. When the officers arrived, the discussion centered around shutting down the sound system Michael had set up outside, which was playing an audio version of the Bible. Although it could not be heard inside the building, the officer agreed to get him to turn it down. The police explained to the Mayor that she could not exclude people because the event was open to the public. Moreover, Michael was exercising his constitutionally protected right to preach the Gospel, so that couldn't be stopped either.
Because Michael courageously exposes the evil works of darkness, he is smeared as a hater and homophobe. Truth is hate to those who hate the truth. Implementing the homosexual agenda requires one to demonize, marginalize, and crush all opposition. The true Gospel must not be silenced!
Frustrated in her attempts to rid herself of Michael, Mayor Young finally loudly exclaimed, "I hate Michael Marcavage!" How telling and ironic her words were for they exposed her own hatred and hypocrisy in staging this event. Before leaving, I felt that I needed to confront her about her own attitude. She approached me when she saw I was leaving and because she knew I wanted to talk to her. I told her that "this was a 'No Place for Hate' event, but I heard you say 'I hate Michael Marcavage!'" She admitted that she had said it. I then explained that "if you wish to cleanse Landowne of hate, you'll have to start with your own heart. Michael does not hate anybody. If I don't agree with you that doesn't mean I hate you."
Perhaps Mayor Young believes she is doing what is good, but I pray that she will come to repentance and recognize her need for the Savior.
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked..." (Jeremiah 17:9)
I am very offended that Mayor Young said that she hates Michael Marcavage. How dare she declare her hate for someone just because they are Christian. ... Let's stop the hate!!
Posted by: Steve | February 19, 2006 08:06 PM