December 04, 2005 | 01:26 AM
University officials to argue against the First Amendment
It has become increasingly difficult to exercise our constitutionally protected rights to "free exercise of religion" and "free speech" on public college campuses without having to endure constant police interference and harassment. The confusing, unreasonable, and unconstitutional "time, place, and manner" restrictions are often asserted by college administrators and police to flat-out prevent people from engaging in First Amendment activity. This, in our situation, has prevented our ability to freely spread the Gospel message on the campus of West Chester University (West Chester, Pennsylvania), which is a school that proudly has an abortionist on its payroll.
Our annual pro-life evangelistic tour exposes the reality of abortion on college campuses in the Greater Philadelphia area, while proclaiming the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. The past couple of years, West Chester University officials ordered our team off the campus. Their reason for doing so is that I refused to sign and agree to a permit, which amongst other things, requires two hours notice prior to arrival. The permit's restrictions are clearly antithetical to freedom and facially unconstitutional, especially the two hour advanced notice requirement, which completely prevents spontaneous First Amendment activity.
This year's encounter with university officials on October 13, 2005 ended with a college administrator conspiring with the Chief of Police to charge me with "Defiant Trespass" for refusing to leave a public sidewalk outside the campus.
A trial will take place this Wednesday, December 7, 2005 before a District Court in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Please pray for a righteous outcome.