November 12, 2005 | 04:43 AM
Major trucking company to pull ads from homosexual publications
A major trucking company has agreed to pull ads appearing in various homosexual publications after Repent America discovered the ads and notified company executives. The company cited the problem as being an error on behalf of their ad agency.
In an e-mail message to RA, a company executive stated: "...we have put a stop to it immediately and have told them to go through every statewide newspaper service we use to make sure another situation like this doesn't exist. Thk u [sic] for bringing this to my attention, that gave us the opportunity to correct a mistake."
"This company's ad appeared alongside other ads soliciting sex. We are thankful that their advertising dollars will no longer go to support the homosexual agenda," Michael Marcavage stated.
way to go guys! glad to hear those advertising dollars will no longer go to supporting the homosexual agenda. keep up the great work!
Posted by: scott | November 19, 2005 10:08 AM