November 14, 2005 | 07:39 AM
Islam: The blow-yourself-up religion
It is without question that Muslims are willing to die for what they believe; however, they are not doing the work of God, but of a deadly religion that holds so many in bondage to its false teachings. The Muslims I am speaking of are not those who reject the teachings of the Koran, but to the faithful followers around the world who embrace its words, who kill and destroy in the name of their religion.
This past Sunday, an Iraqi woman confessed on Jordanian state television that she tried to blow herself up during a hotel wedding reception last week, saying that the explosives concealed under her dress failed to detonate. Although her attempt failed, her husband was successful in blowing himself up, killing many and accomplishing his religion's objective.
The now widowed wife said that she and her late husband were wearing explosive-laden belts when they walked into the ballroom of a Radisson hotel where hundreds of guests, including children, were attending a Jordanian-Palestinian wedding reception.

"My husband wore a belt and put one on me. He taught me how to use it, how to pull the (primer cord) and operate it," she said. "My husband detonated (his bomb). I tried to explode (my belt) but it wouldn't. I left, people fled running and I left running with them," she concluded.
What drives such people to do such things? Their religion, not faceless terrorism.
Oh, dear follower of Islam, won't you come to the cross of Christ. Religion destroys, Jesus saves!
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)

This is really sad... And to think this occurred just days after Pres. Bush hosted the 5th Iftaar in the State Dining Room and honored the Islam religion.
Posted by: Angela Wittman | November 17, 2005 10:15 PM
I'm glad you are exposing the truth. I read the Koran after 9/11 and am convinced Allah is Satan. Allah's prophet is a pedophile named Muhammad who went on many raids to loot, murder and extend the influence Islam. In fact, you are not a good Muslim if you do not support your faith through Jihad.
Posted by: A concerned US citizen | November 22, 2005 09:35 PM
Islam is as satanic a religion as one can get without worshipping the devil himself. We must get the gospel to Muslims in order that they may be saved.
Posted by: Bob Silling | December 3, 2005 02:28 PM