November 15, 2005 | 05:51 PM
Connecticut will no longer prosecute Marcavage
In July of 2004, Michael Marcavage and Dennis Green of Life and Liberty Ministries (LLM) were returning from several days of ministry work at the Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts. While traveling through Connecticut in LLM's "Truth Truck", police pulled the vehicle over to demand that the signs displaying the reality of abortion be removed, and then proceeded to arrest Michael Marcavage for filming the encounter.

Marcavage was charged with two bogus crimes, which were: "Interfering with a police officer" and "Reckless use of a highway by a pedestrian". Dennis Green, the driver, was then ordered to drive out of the state with the truck or he would be arrested as well.
After many months, the prosecution has now decided to no longer pursue the charges against Marcavage, and have entered a Nolle Prosequi with the court.
Nolle Prosequi is defined as:
Latin for "we shall no longer prosecute." At trial, this is an entry made on the record by a prosecutor in a criminal case stating that he will no longer pursue the matter. An entry of nolle prosequi may be made at any time after charges are brought and before a verdict is returned or a plea entered. Essentially, it is an admission on the part of the prosecution that some aspect of its case against the defendant has fallen apart. Most of the time, prosecutors need a judge's permission to "nol-pros" a case.
For more information about this case, please read:
Trooper kicks pro-lifer out of state
Abortion images on truck barred, detainee called 'Jesus freak'
'Constitution State' Troopers Trample Pro-Lifers' Rights AgapePress
Connecticut State Trooper to Pro-Lifer: "Get Out of Town by Sundown"
AFA Center for Law & Policy Press Release
I'm glad Connecticut has seen the light and has stopped their persecution of Christians, in this case, Michael Marcavage and Dennis Green.
Posted by: Rev. Donald Spitz | November 22, 2005 10:34 AM
Here's a motto...."Christ" "Winning one state over at a time"
God Bless
Posted by: John Enquist | November 30, 2005 05:10 PM