"Hate Crimes Laws:" Censoring The Church And Silencing Christians
Repent America (RA) is pleased to offer a new, powerful 40-minute educational program produced by Coral Ridge Ministries called Hate Crimes Laws: Censoring The Church And Silencing Christians. This remarkable program will provide you with a number of eye-opening accounts on how hate crimes legislation is being used to criminalize Christians around the globe.
The program features the story of eleven Christians with Repent America, who became known as the "Philadelphia 11," after being arrested, jailed, and charged with a "hate crime" while witnessing at a homosexual pride event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 2004, along with an interview with Repent America director Michael Marcavage.
"Hate Crimes Laws:" Censoring the Church and Silencing Christians is a provocative look at this disturbing and threatening legal tool of the homosexual lobby. Click here and order your DVD copy today or click here to order on VHS to become educated on the significant dangers of "hate crimes" legislation. Why not order a copy for your pastor or church library as well? Your order will help to support the important ongoing work of this ministry.
Featured are the late Dr. D. James Kennedy; Ake Green, a Swedish pastor arrested for preaching against homosexuality; members of the Philadelphia 11; Christine Sneeringer, an ex-lesbian; Dr. Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission; Pastor Danny Nalliah, of Catch the Fire Ministries (who was prosecuted under hate crimes laws in Australia); and more.
Order your copy today before this program becomes illegal!
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